For Christmas Ashley got me a jar with a bunch of writing prompts in there. I've used it a few times, but this one was my far my favorite. I tried to knock it out this morning and I think it turned out just fine.
Have a great day. Thanks for reading
Prompt 38: Write a poem that gives directions on how to do something.
How to change your Identity
By Jesse ""The Rock" "Poonslayer7"" "D" Gardner
When once upon a time I was
A silly man with a simple name
A fellow with no hint of buzz
Loving life, however lame
But inspiration struck me just
As confidence inside me grew
Comedic pride, the jester's lust
Told me just then what I should do
At one pm, age seventeen
In order to my frail-self mock
Wrote out a new persona, clean
"Jesse G" Mid name "The rock"
In stoic pride I turned aside
And gazed upon indifferent teens
With saddened eyes, I realized
My lack of popularity
I changed since then, that's how it goes
Yet this was not the final day
A new identity I chose!
It's now the Poon. And how I slay
My chest puffed out, my ego swole
As if this was my destiny
The Poon infused into my soul
And then my bros thought less of me
It's fun and easy, join me friends
Go and try this simple trick
Your name is new! Although this tends
To make you come off like a dick