I had one shift of goofing off, but now it's back to business.
Being busy is like a friendly game of tug of war. It's challenging, a constant pull to keep yourself in the game and hope that you come out on top. Let the rope go for too long and you'll inevitably lose. It's also fun, though, if you look at it as a way to keep yourself sharp. Pull too hard and you get tired, losing energy and growing fatigued. Try too hard and it's no longer a game, it's a fight for your life. There's a way to win, and afterwards you never have to be busy again.
I guess the key is to find out how hard to pull. I have work to do, and by virtue of my positions on campus I could never run out of work. Every idea that hits my brain is a possibility, and I've proven to myself time after time that I can accomplish whatever I put my mind to. Sometimes, though, I just run out of steam. I let go of the rope, and my team gets dragged passed the line.
Let's keep with this analogy because I like it.
It's also important to keep sight on why I keep pulling. Do I wan't to see my club, fraternity, or SAAC flourish? Do I want to be able to pat myself on the back and know that I did the best I could? Or do I just want to take home the MVP award. (If we're keeping with the analogy, it would actually be very difficult to judge who is the most valuable player on a tug of war team, but I digress)
Keeping focused, keeping busy. Putting down a game plan for success really is as simple as that. I see results in my writing, my smash playing, my command as a leader, the fun I have in the club. I have noticed growth in myself and it's hella exciting. I see my peers growing as well, Jared with his comedy, Matthew with his writing, my brothers with their attitude. It's a beautiful thing to see somebody grow into a better version of themselves.
Keep focused. Keep busy. I'm lucky that everything I need to try at is enjoyable for me. I like my major, I like my club, and I like my fraternity. SAAC literally is a counsel of people planning activities. If I'm focused and don't let things creep up on me, I'll be fine. If I keep up with practicing what I like to practice, I'll be fine.
If I ever need to unwind, I can play Smash, and even that's productive. What a life I live.
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