Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Me, myself, and Stand Up

Making a title before a post is pretty dumb. I have no idea what I'm going to write about before I write.

The debate was on last night, but I wasn't able to watch it because of a comedy show on campus. It was a decent turnout, even though I really slacked off with giving people fliers. The comedy show went really well, in my opinion. Sean Leary is a funny guy. He could definitely work on his material a bit more.

I got onstage for a couple minutes too. I had these two ideas that I felt like talking about and they were received somewhat decently. I didn't have any pressure on myself, which made it go well I think. I just wanted to do my two small jokes and be out of there. I think the Night Panther joke has a lot of promise, honestly. Captain America is a somewhat recent film, right?

Ok, let me just tell the joke.

I was watching Captain America: Civil War the other day. I loved it, the action was great, the story was interesting. At one point, we're introduced to the King of Wakanda (Made up country) find out that he's this superhero warrior guy who runs 60 miles an hour and wears a cat suit. At the end of this big long sequence he's arrested by police and the FBI, or something. I think at that point they wasted a valuable opportunity to just give a shot of his home country. Just people looking around like, "Did our king just get arrested? What the hell is going on?" Like that should be making national headlines over there. Imagine if tomorrow Obama was found in Russia just fucking shit up? Blowing up bridges, running the speed of traffic in a cat costume. Republicans would have a field day, I'll tell you that much. Next time he tries passing anything through congress all you'd hear "Do you guys really think this is a good idea, coming from our first cat president? Half cat president, actually."

I had fun trying that bit, but I'm frustrated that the next time I'll be able to try it is 2 weeks from now. I have this love-hate relationship with Standup where I want to be good at it, but I hate only performing every two weeks, or needing to travel to get some stage time. I keep coming up with little jokes that I want to try out, but I want to try it maybe three or four times in a night and build a set that way. Joining the circuit in the City is the best way for me to do that, and the best way for me to get good.

So now the only way to improve is through other mediums. Raps, Poetry, Skits, Sketches, Improv, Freestyling, and videos are all available to me, so why would I put all my effort into finding stage time for stand up? If I have songs or poems or other concrete performance pieces available to me, then I can start building my 10, 15, 30 minute sets through writing instead of experimental performing. I can improve all around as a comedian and carry that into performance, rather than learn how to be a Comedian by struggling as I've done in the past.

I have a weird relationship with Stand up comedy, now. At first, I derived a lot of my self worth from the fact that I could go on stage and perform stuff that I'd written. It was cool. I was confident in my progress and loved imagining myself 10 years down the line doing great things as a comedian. That was in High School, when I had a huge problem with overconfidence and ego.

When I was starting stand up and thought I was doing great, I was more concerned with the future than anything else. I still face this problem of worrying about what's coming up rather than focusing at the task at hand, but I'm trying to fix that. I had, and sometimes still have, a bad habit where I would write for a couple of days consecutively then sort of bask in my successes. Any time I wrote a good bit I would relax until the need to keep writing built up again. It's like riding a bike, I would peddle four or five times then coast until I lost speed and fell off the bike. This is why I have this blog, and set the initial goal to write every day for a month, I want to break this bad habit.

Looking into today, I have a couple of real life things to take care of, then I think I'm gonna try and make more progress on Rick and Morty. I had two good sessions so far, but I want to complete it. It's been going on for well over a year now, if I'm not mistaken. Time to finish what I started.

Words I learned to spell: consecutively.

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