Sunday, September 25, 2016

Writing about meta-writing

Last night I performed in front of the largest audience in my career, somewhere around 1,000 people. From what I heard, myself and my two partners did pretty well. My mom was there too, which made it that much better.

I havn't written in a while, but I'm gonna excuse myself for that. I have been pretty busy, which makes me tired, which makes me not want to write. I have been stressing about the show, too. I'm not gonna sit here and complain about how my last few weeks have been going, especially now that they culminated into an event worth celebration.

I guess the question after waiting weeks to perform is, what next? I have to take a step back and continue the grind, like I have been doing. I also need to make sure that I control my ego with the whole event. I think I've been good with that, so far.

I also need to keep writing. I have a deadline for my movie coming up in October, and I don't want that to creep up on me. I have the Terps audition as well, and I want to absolutely crush it in order to redeem myself. Lastly, I need to finish the Rick and Morty script that I mistakenly shared with my Facebook friends, then not touched since. All these projects everywhere.

So I find myself back on this blog, doing a mix between a freewrite and a journal entry. I'm trying to free my mind of the gunk before I start crafting something worth-while. The problem with doing that after multiple days of not writing is that there's more gunk, Pretty obvious.

Whenever I bring myself back to a blog after not writing for a while all I can do is write about writing, which is what I'm doing now. I meta-write, I guess. That goes away with day two. Day 1 is about writing.

I have a bunch of stuff to work on, then.

Rick and Morty Spec, Movie, Terps rap, Drug rap.

That's actually not too bad.

I also want to get back into smash bros. I'm coming to a big decision right now, which is to give up on my Sunday shift in order to make the Syracuse biweeklies, or do I keep them so I can use the time to write, finish homework and trivia, and make some extra cash. With 10 weeks left, these shifts add up to 500 dollars minus tax by the end of the semester. With no guarantee of making money at smash tournaments, I should probably keep the shifts. Besides, Oneonta biweeklies are gonna start up and those are on Saturdays, so I'll still get some solid practice in. I'm also gonna make the trek to see Jteg and get that nice Marth practice session in,

But I'm sitting here at work wishing I could start working on something substantial. I'll start on my Rick and Morty spec, now. But I wanna check the Giant's game first...

Words I learned to spell: guarantee,

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