Friday, November 4, 2016

First public blog post!!

Now begins an interesting experiment. How will I follow through with a public blog?

I know that this place needs to remain a public journal. There's no shame in people finding this, but there's also no pressure. This is the safe space.

The other blog will be the "good stuff." I will try and expose those pieces to as many people as possible and show off my writing. I will put myself out there and hope it catches on.

This is a cool first step, I think. Keeping this separate blog as a place to free write is really important, I think. I would get anxiety about writing if I planned on released the blog shortly. I would try too hard to write good stuff if I thought people would be reading it. This is better. I don't give a fuck.

Having a different public blog is important too. I have people that want to read everything I put out (Family members, close friends) and exposing them to a daily blog with wacky thoughts and bad grammar isn't fair to them. Writing a post two or three times a week is not only more manageable, it's more marketable. Close friends and supporters are the only people I should be showing my work to until I get the hang of it, I think. A public entry with backlash might be important... later. Now, I just need to keep pushing and start producing. That's the path towards success and improvement.

So this blog is a long term project. It's warming up, its content for my fans down the line. It's nothing good, nothing valuable, and nothing that will ever make me money. But it's honest. It's a place where I can be honest with myself through writing.

It's also habit forming. The only way to fail at writing this blog is to... not write in it. Everything else in my life has potential for failure, but this is the only place where it's safe. Even this paragraph has failure in it where I begin by talking about habit forming. I didn't talk about habits right now, which is a mistake. But I can leave that there, because nothing matters in this space.

The question now is what to work on next. Another Jesse Has Ideas blogpost? I have an idea to write about, so might as well challenge myself to two days in a row. I can release it on Saturday, even.

And then maybe I can write an Idea about the Saturday event and blog about that. As long as I have an Idea I can share it, and I plan on sharing a lot more.

Marketing is important, too. I have been thinking about how important it is to put my name out there and place myself in different peoples minds.

Anyway, I'm bored. Gonna surf the internet for a while then get started on an idea. After all, I have 5 hours.

^^^^ That's a terrible mindset....

Learned to spell: Separate,

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