Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Upcoming developments, stream, smash skits

Today I wrote two more smash related skits. Writing them is fun, but producing them is difficult. Yesterday I had the chance to make my first smash skit and I think it was a success. It got some attention on my Instagram and on Melee Hell. It was a short scene, and didn't take too long to make, but we are definitely just getting started.

It does feel good to create some kind of content, even though it wasn't too long. It's an important first step, and now I wanna make another skit more than anything else. Lucky for me it got a lot of attention and a solid amount of praise, so now I'm craving it more. This alongside my 10 minutes of paid stage time i was offered in less than three weeks makes me very excited for the future. I just need to make sure I'm putting in my fair share of work every day. I need to keep writing.

But what do I care about right now? I'm at work, finishing my second to last shift at my summer job, and I feel completely uninspired to write anything for stand up. I wrote two more skits for smash that I just want to start working on. What else is there to do? I guess I need to finalize housing for the last remaining days of the trip, but I don't want to be pushy. That really is a necessity, though, so I guess it's my next move.

Another thing coming up is a 8 hour (or something like that) stream with me and Chess. We don't have a set agenda yet, but some ideas to make the stream actually entertaining and memorable is important. Nobody gives a shit about 2 unknown players playing melee, but if there are fun activities involved then we could definitely get some interest. Maybe we both take half an hour to write diss raps about the other. Maybe we do physical challenges or get chess really drunk. Either way, it should be a fun weekend and an exciting start to our adventure. Let's just hope that we get a good amount of donations coming in!

For now that's all I have to say. I'm very excited to keep working on producing content and (hopefully) build a following. The next video we make will definitely need water marks or something with our instagram handles so people can follow us. There is more work to be done in finding housing but I feel like that will come in time as well. The wheels keep turning, graduation crawls near, and every day brings me one step closer to my dream. Lets do this.

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