It's totally possible that this is normal. That nearly everybody feels the same way after getting a good grade or award or a compliment. I just wish it wasn't like that. The immediate affect is great! But it goes away so quickly. Work hard for an hour, feel the accomplishment for twenty seconds. It's a tough ratio. I guess it gets me back to work, though.
I've been thinking about this problem for a while. I usually come to the conclusion that this is a good quality. A great attribute for production. Finish a project, back to the old grind. Get a compliment, don't let it get to your head. Sounds like what we've heard our whole lives, no? The protestant work ethic or some bologna like that.
The problem is, the grind is tough. That's why it's called, like, a grind. Compliments do get to my head, because I try to ward them off. I can't even accept them with grace, and then I overthink my thank yous to that person.
Consider the opposite, somebody gushing over a prize or title won from weeks ago. They find opportunities to bring it up or ask your opinions on it. Is that happiness? Is that true pride, or an obvious attempt to compensate for low self esteem? It seems like the ladder, but it's hard to tell. Those who brag and boast seem pretty happy in the moment. I really think they're struggling. I've been that person, junior-senior year of High School. I was a huge asshole. I had plenty of moments where I felt like god, though.
A lot of times when I write these things it helps me find an answer. Brings me closer at least. This post is really just a rehashing of thoughts I've had for years. It really is just another way of describing anxiety. And like I've said before, anxiety is a hell of a strong motivator. So maybe this is a good place to be.
But I don't know. I'm seriously unsatisfied with just accepting this mindset. It might be productive, sure, but there's no way productivity is the reason we're here. I'm not a protestant, dammit. I'm in my twenties playing video games and working five minutes from my house. Did you know I got a 15% raise the other day? Tuesday. I already forgot about it. Why can't I just hold on to that for another moment, letting that confidence carry into my work? Instead I'm pushed to the grindstone, pushing towards another little nugget, pushing towards something ethereal and impossible and unique. Just take the money and chill out, man. Take some time to enjoy it.
Look, I'm doing well. Really, I'm happy and occupied and driven. So please, give me compliments. I promise I can take it.