Friday, August 26, 2016

Back at it again

Went a while. Totally failed my goal of writing every day for a month. That's okay, though.

Writing a journal like this is important. I can't get my self to write when I want to jump into a project or stand up bit or anything similar. Setting the goal of just writing for the sake of it gets me to carry that momentum into actual material. This is my warm up, I guess.

Whenever I go a long time without writing, I write about writing. It's just my way of getting out the guilt I've had I suppose. It's on my mind, so that's what I write about.

It's important that I have the goal to write without any pressure to achieve quality. You could think of it as an Olympic sprinter going for a jog in the morning. He's not trying to break any records at 6 am. It's just to get his blood moving.

In the same vein, when he does try to break his PR, he jogs before. He loosens up before every sprint. I think that's what I need to do.

I also just need to write more. Compare it to my progression as a smash player, where I've made an effort to practice for ~2 hours every day over the last month. I've gotten better. Writing, though, has not been as consistent. If I put the same effort, energy, and focus into writing as I do into practicing smash then there's no way I wont eventually stumble into some success.

But being a creative is hard. When I sit down and stare at a TV doing drills over and over to improve my tech, there is a concrete task at hand. There are objective goals I can reach, and near obvious solutions to problems. I know what to do, and know what I'm doing wrong.

When I try to come up with a skit, sketch, scene, rap lyrics, etc. there's no way to gauge success. I rarely know what the next step is, or when I'm on the right track. Worse yet, I can't ever really tell if I'm getting better. Improvement as a comedian is scary stuff.

That makes it all the more important to keep working on projects, though. Write, perform, edit, perform, record, write, write, write. If I want to be a writer I need to fucking write. Ideas won't ever get me a job.

I ran out of time on celtx, too, which is a total bummer. I have to spend 10 bucks a month to stay with the service. I also need to call them in order to transfer my movie to my original account. It shouldn't be a huge problem, but it's definitely gonna be a pain in the ass.

Other than that burst of guilt about my days have been pretty good of late. My living situation is looking really good, I'm working enough hours to sustain my lifestyle of going to smash tournaments frequently, and I have been practicing.

Today I set up my calendar in Office 365 with my classes, work schedule, and some smash events. I feel like an adult

I'm at work right now,  and shit is getting pretty crazy, so I'm gonna wrap this up. I hope I come back to this soon.

Words I learned to spell: Gauge, calendar

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