Monday, August 1, 2016

Sunday Laziness

Do I get to take Sundays off?

I can't get to a computer! That's my excuse!

But I need to write something, and whenever I feel like I have trouble writing, I write about writing.

I wrote a rap today. Or a least a little of it. It's a diss rap towards famous melee players making terrible diss raps and putting them out. People eat them up but they're not good at all. I was motivated to let them know how disappointed I am in them. Once it's finished I'll publish the lyrics.

I also played a bunch of Smash Bros today. I feel pretty good about working to get better. Tomorrow I'm going to long Island just to play against everyone who lives there. I'm excited for that.

Other than that, I'm just happy I'm making myself write every day. I don't know what it is but I feel looser. It might also be the walk, or the fact that I have like zero stress from any source, but lately I've been chillin'. Everything that's going on is pretty dope.

But as I write this it's pretty late, and I don't  have much else to say. I will note, though, that writing at night is much harder than the morning. If I miss my chance when I wake up, I gotta wait till the next day. Not the worse thing in the world, but I would like to be able to be creative at any point. Maybe that will Just come in time.

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