Monday, August 1, 2016

I might be a morning person...

Didn't really need to draw the lottery for this one. After writing about night writing last night (lol) I got up early this morning and had an easier time writing a rap song I've been working on. That was before my cup of coffee, too. I might just be a morning person.

I'm just coming into my twenties, and I never would have expected to be a morning person. I'd assume about 3% of teenagers like waking up before 10am, and I'm barely not a teenager. In previous summers I would wake up early for my job as a counselor, but I hated it. I didn't get to wake up at my leisure, write or read in the morning with a cup of coffee like I do now. I woke up early and worked all day, so when the weekend came I slept until 12 or 1 pm. Then, in the last weeks of summer where my job was over, I would take advantage of sleeping in so that 11am was early for me.

That sounds amazing to a lot of people, but I started to notice the effect of skipping mornings about a year ago. When I wake up after sleeping for ten hours I'm groggy, somehow more tired even after getting more sleep. I would have no creative desire, no ambition to work out or practice smash bros, and would just lounge out. Sometimes I wouldn't even have the energy to eat food until it became dinner time and my mom would make me food. Honestly, it was pretty pathetic.

I think last Summer was the one that kicked that habit out of me. I worked two jobs and kept myself much more active. I would be forced to wake up early during the week then worked until night time on most days. Then, when the weekend came, I would wake up around 10 and start my day. I started drinking coffee, which is the best thing ever invented, and worked out a bit more frequently. I wrote a bit more, and most of the time that was in the morning. Writing at night was tough.

This summer has been great for my mornings. I think I've slept in passed noon once or twice, and I blame that on alcohol. Writing this blog has been a great motivator to take walks in the morning and get myself up early enough that it's not scorching hot when I do. My mind feels more free in the morning and getting myself started on writing is so much easier. I hope I keep this habit going for the rest of my life.

I think Jerry Seinfeld said once that he writes in the morning every day for at least twenty minutes. Before his morning coffee, before everything else, he writes his thoughts into a legal pad he keeps close to his bed. Maybe I should try that too, but what I have going now seems to be going just great. Most days, after I write my blog post, I move onto a different project I've been working on.

And just for shits and giggles, I'll just say what those are. Just in case I look back and get enjoyment out of remembering these, or feel like a total fuckface for not finishing them.

I'm working on a Spec (episode of a preexisting show) for The Adventures of Rick and Morty. When it's done I'm gonna send it to the creators, but mostly I'm just doing it because it's fun and I want to have a T.V episode under my belt for when I start applying for writing jobs.

I'm also working on two rap songs. The most recent is aimed toward people in the smash community who have been making these lame ass diss tracks all the time. I think mine is better.

Also, I have a bunch of one liners that I'm hoping to put into a song because they aren't funny enough to perform in stand up. Maybe if I get enough of them together then the song will be funny. Maybe not, but I want to make more comedy rap songs in the future and this might be a good start.

So that's me, but nobody reads these so I don't need to start sentences with "so that's me." I'm actually happy that nobody reads these posts, it takes a lot of pressure off of writing. I use this more as a personal growth experiment anyway. Also, these writings are boring and mostly just stream of consciousness. I think I'm done now.

Words I learned to spell: Leisure, consciousness

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