I fucked it up!
I'm honestly not too upset about it. I had the goal of writing every day for 30 days and it sort of fell flat. But I'm back now, and that's the most important thing. I fell, but I got back up. Good for me.
I also had things to do that threw me off my routine. I went to Long Island after my Monday post to play smash bros with some of the best players there. I stayed overnight, then came home on Tuesday around 7. As soon as I got home my girlfriend arrived, and we spent that night and the next day together. It was a good couple of days for sure.
I also spent time with one of my good friends Taylor. He was my buddy and director in college and graduated last year, so while I was in the island I made sure to visit him and grab a bite and some coffee. He's one of those people I feel I can talk about anything with; art, love, exercising, grief, hobbies. He's one of my best friends, and I hope we keep in touch after I graduate.
Then, after she left yesterday morning, I slept in until 11 and awoke to a text from my dad asking to get lunch and a movie. Of course I agreed. That took up most of the day, then when I got home I thought I had work until 4. Then I didn't write anything more than a small rap that I posted in my friend's group chat. It was pretty good, though, so at least I wrote something.
If anything, this cements the fact that I need to write in the mornings, after a solid ritual. I finished my smash rap while on the toilet this morning, right after my morning coffee. I could add more, and I think I will, but I could also just record it now and be somewhat proud of it. Writing raps is really fun.
Today, I want to keep the blog post short so I can work on my Rick and Morty spec and get that finished before the summer is over. I wanna be able to show that to people in hopes of landing a job, because I know a lot of people like that show and it could appeal to them more than an original script. Although I should probably work on an original script as well...
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow! Sometimes the only thing that brings me back to this library is the Pokemon Go progress I make.
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