Saturday, June 15, 2019

"Flip King of Weehawken"

Just sold some garbage for thirty bucks. Not actual garbage, I just found it next to a garbage can and took it for free, but if we're talking literal terms I turned trash into cash. Pretty cool.

This kick I'm on lately is filling me with a lot of energy. I'm not talking big bucks here, and not even over a long enough time to be talking about it so much, but it's where I'm at now and that's where I want to linger for a bit. I wanna dig into where this came from, why my brain keeps pulsing good vibes when I list something on Ebay or go through Nintendo games from my childhood. I've never cared so much about making money, so what changed?

Like with anything in life, there are different factors. Living on my own (rent, groceries, bills) is making me think harder about my income and how I manage my money. My day job is an entrepreneurial playground, and over the last year or so I've seen the power of online marketplaces, as well as learned how to use them. The media I consume plays a part too, as I'm literally following a framework set forward by one of my favorite internet personalities.

So yea, it makes sense that this is where I've landed. I have no doubt that I will continue this for the foreseeable future, especially since I need this money to fund my melee major addiction. I look forward to the first tournament I travel to funded entirely by this new hobby, a hobby financing another hobby. Pretty cool.

I dont like to talk on broad terms too much, but I do think theres a trend with people my age to get overwhelmed with the possibilities in front of us. We're told we can do anything, and now the internet gives us the tools to do that without leaving the couch. There's a lot of hope in that truism, but also anxiety, especially when you come against roadblocks, hesitation, failure or inadequacy. If I have so many tools, why am I still stuck? Why are there no results when I'm doing the thing that I love? If I cant succeed in my passion, if it's not who I am, then who am I?

These questions are shit-hard to answer!

I think I want to detach from these types of pursuits altogether. The framework of defining success is killing us, not the internet or Instagram or instant gratification. The exciting thing about selling random shit on the sidewalk isnt the thirty bucks, or the dream of being a millionaire using only Ebay, or any other lofty ideal. It seems to me that the best part of this is that it's real. Its grounded and indisputable, its directly correlated to the work that I put into it, and every sale that I make (remember, I'm up to 2 total. $37 profit. I dont know shit) is another sprinkle of freedom. This truly feels like the next great American frontier, and its exciting as all hell.

Usually I know pretty quickly when I like something, and I truly like this. I needed some way to fund my whole collection of side-quests, right? So maybe if I come into more money, a raise or whatever, then this will stop. I'm not saying this is who I am, my new identity isnt entrepreneur, I'm not aiming to be the flip king of Weehawken. All I know is that I've tried something and it clicked, and I just sold trash to some dude who thanked me for it... since I drove 30 minutes to deliver it.

Catch me in Brooklyn tonight, by the way. I'll be sifting through the dumpster next to Williamsburg's Acme

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